Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Happiness

Going to Hong Kong , for me, was life changing.  The way I view my life, my faith, the way i use my time, even muy thought space. There is a quote from Gandhi that I love that says, "I won't let Anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." Worries, often invade my thought space and when this happens I find myself thinking of Hong Kong.  For me the steps of faith previous to buying our tickets, to the work with children, the elderly, and those who were seriously spiritually thirsty, cleansed my mind in a way I couldn't have imagined.  I've literally lost my taste for a variety of frivolous things that usually would brighten my day.  For those of you who have ever been pregnant, you know what I'm talking about.  When I got pregnant with my boys I litterly lost my taste for my very favorite things such as chocolate and coffee and began to enjoy things I never had before, like taking naps and eating blood sausage (a typical Agentine delicacy).  Something similar happened to me after Hong Kong.  I can no longer live this life or use my time with the frivolity that I did before.  Time is too precious, my deep love for Jesus is altogether too palpably present in the very air I breath to simply continue with business as usual.  Jesus always taught this though His lifestyle but when you actually begin to feel that teaching in your own physical body is when you first begin to actually understand that not only is giving better than receiving, giving is receiving.  People are so hopped up on "finding their happiness" that they become spiritually sick and stagnant as they dwell on the same thoughts everyday.  "What is making me happy", "more me time" , "getting empowered".  The Bible says, "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matt. 6:33)  This is what I believe,and now am sure of; this is what I want as make a lifestyle.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Surprise Ending

There is WAY to much to tell.  Our time in Hong Kong was anything but business as usual.  From the time we stepped off of our 30 hour plane journey and onto the continent of Asia we were just itching to see what Gods purpose in all of this was.  We saw way to many miracles, even aside from our own, to expect a "normal" trip.  No, we were full of expectations. For what, we were not yet quite sure?  The program was to work with local churches the first bit of the trip, then serve in the Gateway camp, then to go into China on a bike tour and visit remote villages where the people are not likely to have ever even laid eyes on any sort of foreigner.  All good and exciting things.  Something inside me said there would be more.  As many of you know, for the last 9 years my husband and I have have simultaneously worked in missions and the arts trying to share the love of Jesus wherever we go.  And although I'd LOVE to go into every little detail of our next project, I feel it may not be prudent.  What I will say is that God opened the doors, I'm writing a play, and it looks like Asia in not yet done with us...  For more juicy details I guess I'll have to revert back to good old snail mail!  Pop me a message to my inbox if you'd like to receive one!

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Rest is for the Birds

Today has been a crazy day.  We were running to and fro, checking ticket prices, communicating our needs (which for some reason can be quite stressful), praying and interceding, changing diapers and stopping tiny brothers from tiny-brother-tackling one another and poking out their tiny eyes... I just can't quite describe this day exactly right.  I knew we'd buy our tickets today even though we were lacking more than half of the supposed needed amount.  It's an assurance I'm not sure I've ever felt before; a weird sort of stillness in the midst of figurative storm.  
     On top of ticket stuff, and sort of off topic, we found out that someone who had attended one of our artistic variety  shows last week,"La Varieté"(a show with performances of artists of all shapes, sizes, and walks of life), had decided to take her own life.  That night, the night of the variety show, one of the artists shared about Jesus after finishing his performance.  It's not a usual part of the agenda because it's not what you might call a typical "Christian" event but it was something he felt he had to share that particular night in front of everybody.  It was almost as if the gospel was oozing out of his pores and he couldn't help it.   
    I'm not sure what this has to do with our trip to Asia but it was all coming down on us all at the same time today.  All day we seemed to be seeking God, not for answers but for guidance, about so many things.  My sweet nephew Milo went to be with the Lord almost 2 years ago to the day and I've long since learned not to look too hard for answers.  I've already found THE answer and the rest of it no one has been able to figure out since the beginning of time.  No, I don't look for answers.  I look for guidance, mainly in how to obey that sweet voice of love within that drives me on and carries me all at the same time.  I still ask questions, I guess they are just different kinds of questions.  Somehow it all comes together for me - our mission, the girl who was so sad she took her own life, and our Asia Project.  The world needs love, the world needs Jesus, and I'm ready to share Him with those who'll accept Him or not. 
     If any of you who have been following our story and don't really know my best friend Jesus, my Father and Brother, but would like to know this love that casts out fear and doubt, depression and rage, sadness and deceit, let me know.  I'd love to introduce you to Him.  You'll never be the same once you find THE answer.  The rest is for the birds.

The Great Commission

If the Lord has so spoken to you to give, not to our cause but to the cause of the great commission through the #AsiaProject and GATEWAY camp, today is the day.  Today is our last day to buy tickets and we only need $1,300.  I don't do this habitually or even ever but I believe in this project with all my heart and know that God's reward for obedience is bigger than our sacrifice.  If you'd like to be a part of our miracle and the great commission,
you can give through PayPal at We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Limb May Break

Do you ever wonder if God has left you all alone on a weak cracking branch where you were 110% positive that He had called you to step out upon in the first place?  You are out of hope, out of cash, out of "luck", and out of time.  There you sit, with chin depressingly resting in hands, listening to the slow crack, crack, crack of the branch, just waiting for it to either break completely or for God to miraculously do... something.  You rack your brain thinking of all the ways he might save you, what it might look like, and then you begin to plan out what you might do if the branch breaks.  And back and forth, back and forth, back and forth your mind goes between the two scenarios, your head filling with doubt, worry and dread.  Then all of a sudden a third thought comes to your mind, "what does He say about all of this?" And then it comes rushing back to you... do not worry about what you will eat and drink or what you will wear... Faith is the hope of what you don't see.... Worship the Lord at all times because He is worthy of praise... The Lord is our strong deliverer... And there you are with the loud cracking of the limb in your ear trying not to worry, trying to keep the faith as you slowly but surely fall.  What are you missing here?  The same thing Peter was missing as he began drown after his brief stroll on the water: a steady gaze upon the face of peace, truth, and love, the face of Jesus.  Who called you to do what you are doing?  Jesus.  Why are you doing it?  Because you love Him.  Since when did the God of the Universe, the maker of heaven and earth, creator of all things lose control over stormy seas and cracking branches?  Never.  So what's the "plan"?  I'm going to sit on this fragile limb and worship Him til my praises drown out the noise of the breaking and my faithless doubts.  Not ignorance or denial.  I am completely aware of my situation.  I simply choose to believe Him beyond what my eyes can see and my ears can here.  Let the branch break completely if it must.  He will catch me.

To find out more about our current "branch", our #KingsKids #AsiaProject, check out my earlier blogs.  What's your cracking branch?  
To make a tax deductible donation make your payment through PayPal to

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

It Has Begun: the multiplication of our loaves and fishes

As of a few days ago we didn't have enough recourses to buy a single flight ticket for our King's Kids Asia Project.  Today we bought 2!  Thank you to everyone who so generously and lovingly  gave, adding your "loaves and fishes" to our basket.  Because of your gifts Diego and Gael are well on there way to Hong Kong (figuratively speaking of course!  They don't board the plane for a couple more weeks). Prayers are appreciated as we have yet to buy my and Valentine's tickets.  We can't wait to see what God does next.  His ways are so much higher than ours!
Some of you have been asking to here more details about our trip. So here it goes.  Apart from taking this group of King's Kids to Asia to preach the gospel through artistic expressions (amongst other things), we will be serving in what is called the Gateway camp (  Thousands of spirituality thirsty Asian youth will all gather together in Hong Kong to learn more about Christ and worship in freedom.  Missionaries from Argentina have been running this camp annually for several years now, and as numbers have grown significantly over the past few years, we are anxious to serve along side these faithful servants and be a strengthening to their arms.

Ways you can be a part of our King's Kids Asia Project:

#1 prayer for us, the Kings Kids group, and the Hong Kong Gateway camp.

#2 clothes donations to "My Closet".  Clothing will be sold; profits go to the Asia Project.

#3 tax deductible cash donations can be made through PayPal:

#4 air miles donations

Sunday, June 7, 2015

A day in the life with King's Kids

We're down to the wire.  Today we gathered together in my house with about 12 kids and, before settling down into our choir rehearsal, we had a deep talk about our trip to Asia (Hong Kong in particular), where each is with their finances, and what God is speaking to hearts through this faith process.  I was touched when it came turn to two sisters who explained that, at the moment, they only had enough money for one of them to go.  The youngest told us of how her older sister was praying one day and received a Word from God to give her the ticket and stay behind if she had too.  Another child spoke of all the money she had saved and raised but how God had spoke to her and if she can't raise the rest she will donate her "loaves and fishes" to the rest of the group.  It sounds sort of sad in a way but it truly isn't.  They are living the "dream".  The last shall be first; the least of these shall be the greatest.  With their few years they are learning one of the greatest lessons in life, a lesson that most fail to ever learn.  This is King's Kids, teaching children to be like Jesus and learning from children to be like Jesus.  Jesus is the center and this is what life is all about.

Tax deductible donations can sent through PayPal to:

Sunday, May 24, 2015

My Closet

I was inspired one day to sell just about everything in my wardrobe in order to finance an outreach with my family and children's choir to Asia.  Why the desperation?  This is not the first time I've had a gut feeling, a burning push from within to do something special.   The feeling doesn't come all of the time but I've come to learn that when it does, I'm better off obeying it.  My husband and I volunteer full time in Buenos Aires,  Argentina with a non profit.  We work with an amazing group of kids which, among many other things, performs as a children's choir.  As I began to watch them raise  funds with such faith and conviction for what seems to be an impossible mission, especially for children of such humble means from a 3rd world country, the burning feeling came again and with it came wth inspiration.  For the last week I've been posting our clothes and electronics on a facebook page I affectionately named My Closet and, to my surprise, people started buying!  We have a little over a month and are nowhere near our minimum goal $8,000 for air flight tickets alone but that won't stop us.  We humbly come with our "loaves and fishes" just like the boy in John 6:1-14, and await a "feeding-of-the-five thousand" sort of miracle.  If you'd like to add your "loaves a fishes" to our basket, you can send your gently used clothing to our contact in the Washington State to be sold through ebay or My Closet.  All profits will go to the King's Kids Asia project.  Any cash donations can be sent via PayPal to  Cash donations are tax deductable and donors will receive an official letter from YWAM Argentina for that purpose.  Shoot me a private message if you'd like to be part of our miracle!    Thanks for reading!