Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Limb May Break

Do you ever wonder if God has left you all alone on a weak cracking branch where you were 110% positive that He had called you to step out upon in the first place?  You are out of hope, out of cash, out of "luck", and out of time.  There you sit, with chin depressingly resting in hands, listening to the slow crack, crack, crack of the branch, just waiting for it to either break completely or for God to miraculously do... something.  You rack your brain thinking of all the ways he might save you, what it might look like, and then you begin to plan out what you might do if the branch breaks.  And back and forth, back and forth, back and forth your mind goes between the two scenarios, your head filling with doubt, worry and dread.  Then all of a sudden a third thought comes to your mind, "what does He say about all of this?" And then it comes rushing back to you... do not worry about what you will eat and drink or what you will wear... Faith is the hope of what you don't see.... Worship the Lord at all times because He is worthy of praise... The Lord is our strong deliverer... And there you are with the loud cracking of the limb in your ear trying not to worry, trying to keep the faith as you slowly but surely fall.  What are you missing here?  The same thing Peter was missing as he began drown after his brief stroll on the water: a steady gaze upon the face of peace, truth, and love, the face of Jesus.  Who called you to do what you are doing?  Jesus.  Why are you doing it?  Because you love Him.  Since when did the God of the Universe, the maker of heaven and earth, creator of all things lose control over stormy seas and cracking branches?  Never.  So what's the "plan"?  I'm going to sit on this fragile limb and worship Him til my praises drown out the noise of the breaking and my faithless doubts.  Not ignorance or denial.  I am completely aware of my situation.  I simply choose to believe Him beyond what my eyes can see and my ears can here.  Let the branch break completely if it must.  He will catch me.

To find out more about our current "branch", our #KingsKids #AsiaProject, check out my earlier blogs.  What's your cracking branch?  
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