Wednesday, June 10, 2015

It Has Begun: the multiplication of our loaves and fishes

As of a few days ago we didn't have enough recourses to buy a single flight ticket for our King's Kids Asia Project.  Today we bought 2!  Thank you to everyone who so generously and lovingly  gave, adding your "loaves and fishes" to our basket.  Because of your gifts Diego and Gael are well on there way to Hong Kong (figuratively speaking of course!  They don't board the plane for a couple more weeks). Prayers are appreciated as we have yet to buy my and Valentine's tickets.  We can't wait to see what God does next.  His ways are so much higher than ours!
Some of you have been asking to here more details about our trip. So here it goes.  Apart from taking this group of King's Kids to Asia to preach the gospel through artistic expressions (amongst other things), we will be serving in what is called the Gateway camp (  Thousands of spirituality thirsty Asian youth will all gather together in Hong Kong to learn more about Christ and worship in freedom.  Missionaries from Argentina have been running this camp annually for several years now, and as numbers have grown significantly over the past few years, we are anxious to serve along side these faithful servants and be a strengthening to their arms.

Ways you can be a part of our King's Kids Asia Project:

#1 prayer for us, the Kings Kids group, and the Hong Kong Gateway camp.

#2 clothes donations to "My Closet".  Clothing will be sold; profits go to the Asia Project.

#3 tax deductible cash donations can be made through PayPal:

#4 air miles donations

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